Thursday, August 29, 2013

Week 26 - Of Birthdays, Friends, and Rain

.: Aug 19-21 2011 :.

This week marked the first time we started doing something that would become our weekly ritual: we drove our neighbours' son up. Since he lives in the city not far from us but does not own a car, he's been making the trip north via public transportation each week. Unfortunately, due to route cutbacks the nearest bus stop is still a 30 minute drive from his parents' place. That means his father had to make an hour+ round trip to pick him up and drop him off each week.  This was not ideal for obvious reasons and it wasn't long before we realized we could easily coordinate our schedule and save them both the trouble.

This week's adventures brought old friends, new friends and lots of games with a side of work. First, our friends Pete and Sarah made their first of many trips up. Pete is quite the chef and prepared fantastic meals throughout the weekend (this, too, has since become a bit of a ritual). The weather decided to be a bit difficult and although we faced on and off showers all weekend I can safely say we all had a great time.

For a few hours on Saturday night we said farewell to Pete and Sarah and joined our neighbours for a birthday party. They'd kindly extended the invite the previous week and it was an excellent opportunity for us to meet their family. From the moment we walked in the door and greeted everyone we felt at home. The warm, festive atmosphere was contagious and before long we were all talking and laughing like old friends.

The evening brought us back to Twin Ponds. We walked into the cabin to find Pete and Sarah enjoying the coziness of the cabin to keep out of the insistent rain. The dull skies didn't dampen our moods, however, and we enjoyed an evening of Gin Rummy. The rain tapered off late in the evening and we took full advantage of the opportunity by building a fire and roasting some marshmallows

On Sunday we opted to take Pete and Sarah to the diner for a great breakfast. With the rain holding off for the majority of the day, we fed the fish, did some barbecuing, and played more games. At one point in the afternoon we walked out our driveway to find that the backhoe had been delivered for the driveway work that was scheduled to begin on Monday. It was time for our dirt driveway to become or gravel driveway.

Land ahoey

Rain can't stop us


Beautiful night's sky
Yoshi pays us a visit

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Week 25: Back is Black

.: August 13 & 14, 2011 :.

Floating paradise
We had high hopes for and anticipation of the scheduled events this weekend. 

We arrived earlier than usual Friday evening (without any incidents) and we settled in and played a couple of games of cribbage on the deck to kill some time. The temperature gradually started sinking so we decided to go inside and watch Spooks before turning in for the night.

I got up early Saturday morning and while Sim was still sleeping I started cleaning up the forest area that has been my project over the better part of this summer. I was busy moving small sticks and such when out of the blue my lower back locked up and sent waves of pain up my spine and down my legs. I tried to walk it off, but the pain just wouldn't go away. Over the course of the weekend it slowly grew worse.

The pain had started only a few minutes before Sim got up, and it wasn't long after that that Bob and his crew showed up with the new raft on a trailer. It took them about 45 minutes to unload it, get it into the pond, and have it anchored in its designated spot. Once there it looked terrific!

At about 11:30 Sim's parents arrived. There was a little rain, so we hung out on the deck talking until it cleared up, at which time Sim's mother wanted to get working, so she went to the forest to continue my earlier work. Both of us were again impressed by how hard she works - she's like a machine. She completely finished relocating the pile of branches and sticks and the forest area is looking better for it.

Up close and very personal
While she was working I went to the shed to get the red rake. As I approached the shed door I noticed a spider's web in which a wasp had become entangled. The author of the web (Charlotte?) was in the process of wrapping the wasp in a cocoon. I quickly got Sim's attention and she brought her camera with the macro lens and got some really great shots.

By around 2:00 we were ready for a swim! I was the first in the water and onto the raft. Sim joined him, followed by her father. The water was a little chilly, because the weather's been a bit cooler than normal, but it was refreshing and, more importantly, fun!

Anyway, the raft is fantastic - we're very excited for the hours of fun and relaxation it offers us in the future.

At around 3:30 it started to look ominous on the horizon, so we decided to get dinner ready. I had already started the BBQ and by the time we got back to the chalet it was piping hot and ready for the seasoned chicken we'd brought. Sim's parents brought some delightful red cabbage salad and we had a very delicious and pleasant meal at the "new" picnic table.

Pond wildlife
We spent a while longer visiting before Sim's parents got ready to leave and then said our goodbyes as they departed.

By this point my back was killing me, and I more or less passed out for the next few hours on a couple of the open-armed Muskoka chairs. Meanwhile Sim spent some time at the pond taking more macro shots.

We spent the rest of the evening watching a few more episodes of Spooks before calling it a night.

The next morning my back was still causing him real grief. Nevertheless, we went to the local inn and enjoyed a delicious sausage and egg breakfast. It was still overcast and in fact shortly after returning to Twin Ponds the weather became threatening. The thunder on the horizon prompted us to pack up early and head home.

Even though the weekend was regrettably cut short, it was very nice and gave us more enthusiasm about spending time in Pond Superior playing on the raft. Good times to come!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Week 24: Celebration time, come on!

.: August 6 & 7, 2011 :.

August 6th this year marked the first anniversary of our ownership of Twin Ponds. Although the weekend was not a long one, it was exceedingly enjoyable.

Our drive up on Friday was punctuated as usual with a stop in town for a few supplies. Unfortunately, most of what we bought was accidentally left in the grocery cart. When we got back to the car, Jasmine was misbehaving and she totally distracted us. So we basically drove off and threw away about $40 (we checked in with the store on the way home, but no one turned our stuff in -- there's a shocker).

Anyway, we arrived Friday evening around 8:30 which gave us enough time to relax and play a couple of games of cribbage on the veranda before turning in for the night. The weather was perfectly warm and there was almost no wind. Having put the shopping incident out of our minds, it was a perfect start to the weekend.

I arose early Saturday morning intending to head to the nearest store and shortly after pulling out of the driveway he encountered D., our neighbour. He and I drove up the road a bit and D. introduced me to our Mennonite neighbour, E. - a very nice fellow with a cute-as-a-button 4-year old daughter. There wasn't much to chat about though, so I excused myself and proceeded down the highway to the store, where I found replacements for all the items we had left in Orangeville.

I also stopped at a hardware and procured the lumber that was needed to remediate one of the (four) picnic tables left by the previous owner on the property. This hadn't been discussed with Sim, but I  wanted to surprise her with the thought of having a fully functional picnic table to eat at. I spent the morning pulling the rotten wood off the old table and reassembling it with the replacement lumber. It didn't take long before it was ready to be sanded and stained, most of which Sim did. Before we knew it we had what looks like a practically brand new picnic table that will host meals and entertainment for years to come!

Earlier in the week we had arranged for Bob the Pond Consultant to come provide us with some expert advice on clearing up the murky waters of Pond Superior. He arrived late, but it quickly became clear that he was very knowledgeable about ponds and water in general. As it turns out the murkiness is because of the fish themselves, so our intentions to clear up the water for them, although good, are misplaced. Be that as it may we do not really want to get rid of the little guys, so we opted for the time being for some water dye (which has more than a cosmetic effect, we were pleased to find out). Its effect on the water was immediate and profound. We can't wait until next weekend to see what it looks like completely distributed throughout the water.

Apart from that we did not do very much work. I moved more brush out of the area we are clearing for the septic bed, but it was very hot and even more humid, so we spent the rest of the afternoon at the ponds just relaxing.

By early evening it was time for supper, so we started the barbie. It took a bit more time than usual because by that point there was no wind whatsoever. I finally had to start it with gasoline (*poof*).

Finally the food was ready. Neither of us had had lunch so were both starving. The meal was fantastic. We had seasoned pork chops with baked potatoes and niblets corn. What made it most special was that it was the very first meal we ate on our new picnic table. And how appropriate that it was on our first anniversary!

After we cleaned up from dinner (the table and dishes, not ourselves) we drove over to our neighbours' place and asked them if they were interested in celebrating our first anniversary with us by having a toast of champagne. They were flattered and impressed that we chose to share it with them and the six of us (Jazzle and Bubs were there too) sat out on their deck enjoying the company and conversation. As usual time flew by and before we knew it almost 3 hours had passed. We therefore took our leave and headed back to the chalet to settle in for the night.

After washing up etc. we started to watch The Ninth Gate, but I got tired not even halfway through, so we shut it down and went to sleep. I was so tired in fact that I slept until 10:30 Sunday morning, which is very unusual for me.

We didn't do much on Sunday. I went along the path past the bridge to chop down the vast overgrowth of foliage, but it was literally like a jungle so after 20 minutes he came back and got what he needed to go swimming. Pond Superior was characteristically perfect and it wasn't long before Sim joined me.

Unfortunately, by 1:30 or so the skies clouded up and it started to rain, so we packed and cleaned up and headed out, stopping at the neighbours' to say goodbye for the week and drop off a brochure from Bob the Pool Consultant.

On the way home we decided to get a raft for the pond. Bob had suggested that adding a permanent raft to the pond would be a great way to breathe life into it. He said in his experience doing so turns a pond into a party. That sounded pretty good to us! Despite Bob's offer to provide us with free plans to build our own out of wood, we opted to purchase a fabricated one instead. They're not only more durable and require far less maintenance, but it's also a good way to avoid some splinters in unpleasant places. The raft we chose will be anchored in the middle of the pond so we can use it to jump in the water and to lounge in the sun. More on that in the weeks to come.

Despite the rain at the end it was a fantastic weekend. A happy anniversary indeed.

Second life

Inaugural BBQ dinner
Fish wisperer

Monday, August 26, 2013

Week 23: Blood, Sweat, and Tears

.: July 30 - August 1, 2011 :.

Our fish are quickly becoming acclimatized to our presence and are now quick to swim up to us for their weekly feeding. There's something truly peaceful about sharing the pond with them and it's something I look forward to every week.

We spent the weekend continuing our landscaping work, this time turning our attention to the overgrowth down the length of our dirt driveway. We also had a great time swapping stories with the neighbours while enjoying a glass of wine on their deck. Talk about a spectacular view!

Since we'd cut down quite a few branches during our work, we dedicated a bit of time this week to building a makeshift shoe rack. Since the cabin is quite small, we need to optimize the space carefully otherwise it quickly starts looking quite dishevelled. We were quite happy with the final result despite its very rustic appearance. Rustic is good, right? (Note from the future: using freshly cut wood to build anything is a bad idea as it does not age well. Wood should first be professionally kiln dried or seasoned for a couple of years after it's cut in order to be useful in building projects.)

Eating from our hand

Our neighbours' view & ours

Work cons
Roasted to perfection

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Almost lost and found

We found our camera! Turns out it was hanging on the back of a chair in the cabin the entire time. Unfortunately the black bag blended perfectly with the black chair and black guitar case immediately behind it so I didn't see it while I searched. Twice.

I never seem to be able to find big things when they're right in front of me. Camera bags, bags of flour, jars of peanut butter? Nope. "We're definitely out of peanut butter, Spence. Definitely. I checked."

You'd think my eyesight's going, but give me something nearly microscopic to find and I'll spot it in under five minutes. Friday night Spence knocked a small magnet off the fridge. It's a silver cylinder maybe 1/4" long and 1/8" wide. It bounced off his foot and was immediately out of sight. I spotted it in under 30 seconds. Yesterday small silver spring from a roofing nailer fell onto our gravel driveway. It couldn't have been bigger than 1/16" wide and maybe 3/16" long. I found it in under two minutes. It really makes no sense.

So yeah, roofing nailers. We're in the process of redoing our cabin's roof. The old roof doesn't have much time left in it and was installed without tar paper underneath. By my count there were three distinct layers of shingles plastered on it, perhaps an effort to make up for the original oversight, but more likely another shortcut used when the current roof sprung a leak. We spent a good portion of yesterday using a crow bar to remove it all before starting to install the new shingles over tar paper this time.

I'm starting to think life is trying to make some type of point about my eyesight because at one point our nailer jammed. While the guys were trying to fix it I was standing about 8 feet away searching some local stores' inventory since it looked like it needed to be replaced. Suddenly I hear a loud swoosh. I've always been a flincher and yesterday was no different. My eyes involuntarily clamped shut just as something hard smacked me on my left eye lid. Turns out one of the bolts on the gun snapped and the pressure from the compressor sent it hurling at me at an ungodly speed. Thankfully aside from a dull ache that lasted the rest of the day I'm completely fine.

I'm not sure what the message is exactly, universe, but it's definitely coming through.

Week 22: Slithery roommate

One thing we decided early on was that indoor plumbing would be a high priority. Although we've both grown quite accustomed to our rather primitive current set-up, it's definitely not something we want to continue with indefinitely.

Luckily, our land sits on a gravel bed which makes installing a septic system rather simple, at least as far as septic systems go. After meeting with the local authority and taking the various distance minimums from the well into account, we selected the location for our new holding tank and weeping tile. That was the easy part. Now it was time to clear the area. I have to hand it to Spence. I don't think I've ever met anyone who works harder or enjoys it more.

This weekend also marked a rather unpleasant episode in the form of an unwelcome visitor. I was in that groggy phase of waking up Sunday morning when Spence indicated that he had spotted a slithery roommate. While I'm not repulsed by snakes, I certainly don't fancy sharing my living quarters with them. Luckily Spence was able to quickly snatch it and politely usher it outside. He must have gotten the message, I think, because he hasn't returned in the more than two years that have passed since. Of course, now that I've said that...

The research into pool rafts that we began a few weeks earlier materialized into a new foam mat this week. It works beautifully not only in the pond but as luck would have it, also doubles nicely as a camping sleeping mat. Future visitors need worry not about trying to rest on rocky ground!

Beautiful drive

Clearing for the septic bed

A little R&R 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Week 21: Barbecued Steak!

.: July 9-10, 2011 :.

When we took possession of Twin Ponds we noticed there was an old windsurfing board (sans sail) floating around the pond. Instead of removing it, we turned it into a game: what side of the pond will the board be today? Despite sporting a rather big gouge on its underside, that old, tired, surf board has become a faithful companion to us. Paired with an wooden oar we bought on sale, it can be a lot of fun. During one of our conversations with the previous owner, he informed us that he used to work at a recycling facility many years ago. One day, this surf board appeared and he immediately declared it too good to go to waste. He quickly strapped it to his car and brought it to its new home.

After another long day of work in Spence's case and kicking back in mine (okay, maybe I helped a little), we decided to call it a night. Unfortunately for Spence, the cabin had other ideas. Just as he was laying down on the outstretched futon declaring, "I'm soooooooooo tired," he placed his weight incorrectly causing the futon to overturn, effectively rolling him out onto the floor with a loud thud. Poor guy.

Stand up paddle surfing (SUP)... minus the paddle

Staining machine

Of Crocs and socks

Friday, August 23, 2013

When life gives you lemons...

They say bad things come in threes. I guess we're going to test that theory today.

Last night Spence and I came to the realization that our camera is missing. The last thing we remember was packing it into the car before heading back to the city last Sunday night. Now it's nowhere to be found. Along with the camera went two lenses (a 24mm f/2.8 and 50mm f/1.4) a 32 gig CF card, a pistol grip, half case, extra battery, and messenger bag. It's a bummer for sure, but we're both trying to stay focused on the positive: it's just stuff. It can be replaced. The only things that can't be replaced are the photos from last weekend and that's very unfortunate.

This morning I woke up to the news that the camera is definitely nowhere to be found. Spence looked everywhere. It was a with a bit of a sigh that I set out to enjoy a cup of coffee in the sun by the ponds. On the way, I noticed this:


That's our neighbours' truck they very kindly loaned me last night. Last night, it was in pristine condition. This morning? Not so much. I don't know what kind of party the seagulls (?) had overnight, but I demand to know why I wasn't invited!

Instead of lingering, I decided to ignore the problem for the time being. I was bound and determined to enjoy my morning coffee in peace. So I grabbed the stack of flyers that were delivered yesterday from the passenger's seat of the truck (I successfully avoided getting bird poop on my hand while opening the door -- score 1 Sim!) and continued on my way.

I arrived to the ponds to find everything was just as I'd left it.

This will definitely make everything better, I thought. And I was right.

I was right until a split second after I sat down, anyway. With a jolt I came to the realization that despite the bright sunshine the chair was still soaked with morning dew. Yup, I was soaked.

That was number three. All in all, not exactly the start to the day I was hoping for, but hey, it's bound to happen once in a while right?

I couldn't help but think of a line I read yesterday in one of my favourite blogs: Smile. You're alive.

(As an aside, I offered to wash the truck when I returned it. I was very kindly told not to worry about it. All it needed was a quick rinse with the hose and it would be good to go. They would take care of it. I'm very grateful we live next to such wonderful people.)

Week 20: Bodum Times

With Twin Ponds becoming more and more inhabitable each week, it became clear that a key comfort was still missing: the ability to brew a coffee. With me being the only coffee drinker in the family, this was obviously more important to me than it was to Spence, but definitely a necessity. Not only is it impractical to drive all the way to town in the mornings (a 30 minute round trip), but constantly forking over $3 or $4 for a coffee and a donut is a bit of a waste. In order to conserve space, I opted for a single cup Bodum. It's simple to clean and fits nicely on a shelf in the kitchen amongst the collection of mismatched plates, glasses, and cups left behind by the previous owner.

Mmmmmm home-brewed coffee and a good book
The rest of the weekend brought more of the same. Spence weed whacked and we both continued work on the neverending chair refinishing project. Once we'd had enough, we enjoyed lots of time swimming in the pond before capping the day with a steak dinner and roasted marshmallows over an evening fire.

Sadly Sunday brought ever darkening skies which culminated in a pretty bad downpour that was scheduled to continue until the evening so we reluctantly packed up around noon and headed home.

Yup, that's one happy pup

Hard at work

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Week 19: Good Times, Good Friends

(Despite the author being listed as Spence, it's actually Sim)

Our first Canada Day Long Weekend at Twin Ponds was marked by a big first: I finally conquered my fears and went swimming for the first time! The water was pleasantly warm and calm, its mirror-like surface distorted only by ripples created by lazy our movements. The gold fish inhabitants welcomed us by swimming nearby hoping for a snack of bread.

On the drive up, we made an uneducated decision when we purchased some blow-up pool furniture on a whim. This proved to be a mistake as the raft failed to stay inflated even for one day! We promptly returned it for a full refund and learning from our mistake, began researching some better alternatives.

With our barbecue assembled and fully operational, we were now equipped for guests. Our friends Ange and Matt were quick to accept the invitation and committed to taking the time to bike over to us from a town about 100km away with full camping gear in tow. Once they arrived, we came to the realization that we had yet to discover an ideal camp site -- all the spots we explored were either sloped uncomfortably or were quite rocky necessitating some sort of foam pad which we did not have available. After some deliberation, it was decided that they would spend the night on the small, greying bridge that crosses our river. The following day, in the amber light of the early morning, Ange reported that while it's not ideal, the bridge was actually a pretty good spot. The water provided a soothing drone to fall asleep to. Unfortunately, though, every move one makes on the bridge reverberates in the aging wood. Time to find a new spot for next time.

Although we had guests, work didn't stop around Twin Ponds. Continuing on our journey of reclaiming the overgrown and deteriorated exterior of the project, we turned to staining the beautiful Muskoka (Adirondack if you're an American reader) chairs the previous owner had included in the purchase. While I happily stained away, Spence borrowed a ladder from our neighbours and replaced the burned out bulbs of our exterior porch light. Now, venturing out in the middle of the night is a little less daunting.

A great way to cool off

Cleaning up

Ange and Matt's tent
A good time
Blossoming spirits


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Week 18: Slytherin

With a lot of the cabin remodelling behind us, it was time to turn our attention to some landscaping. This necessitated a trip into town for one of Spence's favourite things: purchasing a new tool. On this week's menu: a weed whacker.

Happily donning his a bright orange set of earmuffs, Spence went on a weed murder spree as evidenced by the photos below. Not bad for a day's work!

Driveway before & after
Cabin before, during & after
Watch out, Jas! That's a snake!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 17: There will be Blood

.: June 4 & 5, 2011 :.

After what seemed like endless rain the week leading up to this weekend’s visit was impeccable. It was sunny and warm, but not too warm. It all pointed to a great weekend. For that reason we decided to leave Friday evening rather than Saturday morning. Mother Nature, however, was being her predictably perterbed self and although we got there without incident and had a pleasant (albeit short) evening at Twin Ponds, Saturday morning looked dark and foreboding.

I got up at around 6 a.m. and the skies on the horizon looked threatening. Nonetheless I went into town and procured breakfast from Tim Horton’s. It wasn’t long after my return that the dark skies turned darker and let loose a howling storm of wind, rain, thunder, and lightning. So we basically waited it out.

This weekend Sim’s parents were scheduled to visit for the first time. We were looking forward to it, as were they. In fact, Sim’s mother got up early herself to do some baking. Given the weather we weren’t sure whether they would still come, but they didn’t let it discourage them and while we sat inside the cabin watching Fringe they arrived without us even hearing their car. It was still raining a little at that point, so we showed them inside and gave them the 15 second tour of the cabin.

We then decided to show them the property despite the moisture and by the time we had made it to the ponds the rain had all but stopped. As the sun slowly broke its way through the clouds we spent some time back on the deck chatting and enjoying the food that Sim’s mother had baked.

Feeling reenergized, we decided to split up: Sim's mom and Sim went to work on the clearing while her father and I continued last week’s work of cleaning up the brush. It was not without incident, unfortunately, since I managed to rip my arm open with a sharp stick (don't ask).

Having limited cooking facilities we opted for venturing to a local inn for supper. After a very welcome and delicious warm meal, we explored the local roads by taking a new route back and discovered the local golf club which is tucked away a series of gravel roads lined with towering trees.

Sunday proved to be absolutely beautiful. Taking advantage of this lucky break we rolled up or sleeves and got to work assembling our brand new charcoal barbecue. Hamburgers here we come!

Once that task was done, Sim decided to call it a day work-wise and opted to read at the ponds while I continued to work on the clearing, building up a good sweat. After an hour and a half of hard work, I doffed my sweaty work clothes and went snorkeling in Pond Superior.

Our main appliance



Bandet as a lifeguard

Monday, August 19, 2013

Week 16: Bye-bye Bushes

Before we completely fell off the blogging wagon (that's a thing, right?) we'd actually created a number of draft posts with photos and point form notes. Instead of letting all that stuff go to waste I've decided to post them before writing about more recent events.

Without further ado, here's week 16.

.: May 21, 2011 - The May Long Weekend :.

This weekend's visit was a bit of a hallmark for a couple of reasons: it was our first two-night stay and we finally finished installing the floor in the main room!

We had dinner with our wonderful neighbours and despite considering leaving early due to heavy rain we decided to tough it out. We were rewarded with a gorgeous Sunday so Spence took the opportunity to have his first swim of the year. It would be the first of many. At this point I was still refusing to swim in the pond because I thought it was murky and, well, kind of gross. It's kind of funny thinking back to this time because swimming in Pond Superior has since become my favourite activity.

We also took some time to do two other things during this weekend that would become staples in our Twin Ponds routine over the next two years: clearing some bush having a bon fire.

Hi! Do you love me?

Bush massacre

Morning web

Saturday, August 17, 2013

... and we're back!

*tap tap* Is anyone still there?

After a very long and unplanned hiatus, I've decided to revive this blog. It's become obvious that it was impractical to try to document everything that happened every weekend -- it just lead to a perpetual catch-up situation which became so demoralizing that we gave up completely. This time I'm going to focus on the most important and meaningful aspects of the time we spend up here. I've been very inspired by Tara and Tyler's fantastic blog, Going Slowly, which I recently discovered. They're going through many of the same things we've gone through. It's great to read about their adventures and be so closely reminded of many of our own.

Just look at that smile!
So much has happened in the past 2 years. My first goal is to go through the many, many photos that have accumulated since our last update and slowly post the accompanying stories that stand out in my mind.

But today I'll focus on the present. Spence and I both crashed around 9 p.m. last night and still managed to sleep until 7:30 this morning. While Spence built a fire, I grabbed a cup of coffee and came out to the pond to breathe a bit of life into Welcome to Twin Ponds. Keedo happily followed me and has been basking in the sun while I type away.

Yesterday Mark came over to give me a bit of a watercolour lesson. I have very little experience with painting, but not only is Mark extremely talented (check out his site), he's also an excellent teacher. I don't think my work is ready for the gallery just yet, but I had a great time.

Can you guess which painting belongs to whom?

Finished products