Friday, August 23, 2013

Week 20: Bodum Times

With Twin Ponds becoming more and more inhabitable each week, it became clear that a key comfort was still missing: the ability to brew a coffee. With me being the only coffee drinker in the family, this was obviously more important to me than it was to Spence, but definitely a necessity. Not only is it impractical to drive all the way to town in the mornings (a 30 minute round trip), but constantly forking over $3 or $4 for a coffee and a donut is a bit of a waste. In order to conserve space, I opted for a single cup Bodum. It's simple to clean and fits nicely on a shelf in the kitchen amongst the collection of mismatched plates, glasses, and cups left behind by the previous owner.

Mmmmmm home-brewed coffee and a good book
The rest of the weekend brought more of the same. Spence weed whacked and we both continued work on the neverending chair refinishing project. Once we'd had enough, we enjoyed lots of time swimming in the pond before capping the day with a steak dinner and roasted marshmallows over an evening fire.

Sadly Sunday brought ever darkening skies which culminated in a pretty bad downpour that was scheduled to continue until the evening so we reluctantly packed up around noon and headed home.

Yup, that's one happy pup

Hard at work


  1. That is a good book. And I think I need to start using my bodum at home more often. Looks so yummmy.

  2. Love the bodum too. I'll love it more when we have running water to wash it, though.

    And yes, that book is awesome!
